Monday, August 31, 2009

VENDETTA preview album

this is my band. i play guitar @ vendetta. and this is a preview of our song. the first one is "Vengeance" and the second one is "Mutilasi Arogansi"

(Ps : maafkan liriknya yah.)


Heart beat faster
eyelashes flutter
blood flows in vein of power
breathe comes, lungs fill
right hand feel the sword

dark sun abides, as time approach
swollen heart with hatred
the infection needs a vengeance
the dark lord will live in glory..

the angel has die and forgotten
and her carcass eaten by worm
for the name of god and Valefar
we will give them no mercy...

we will give them
no mercy..

rise up your hate!


dia dimutilasi sampai habis terbagi
berikan pada binatang
meremuk jiwa nihil,
menghimpit keluh dan dosa

(arogansi bertahta)
kuliti gengsinya,
sodomi angkuhnya
(dan butakan mereka)
mati terkubur sumpah
(arogansi bertahta)
sumpah sampah
(binasakan jiwanya)
laut darah tanpa dasar adalah tempat mereka

..dia lahir dari benci, dia mati
termutilasi arogansi..

jiwa baja terbalut gengsi sampah menyekap
junjung tinggi martabat buta
gaungkan emosi


Karin Lucu said...

keren kak...

she terror said...

thank youu... :)

jeff said...

aaaa melodic death!! my favourite genre!! gw suka riff2ny, catchy n rapih, mengingatkan gw sama eucharist. drumny juga enak, terutama di vengeance. sayang bassny kurang kedengeran.. n vokalnya mgkn bisa dikerasin dikit yah, soalny masi kedengeran ditahan. untuk liriknya, great job on keeping the spirit alive! n gw yakin lagu vengeance bakal makin nampol klo ditambah solo diending!

stay heavy, stay true

chasya dawi said...

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